Etiqueta: educación (página 1 de 5)


Football is probably the most popular sport in Spain, and perhaps in the whole world. Because of that, and because of the world championship which is coming soon, we got advantage of if and learnt something about the vocabulary related to it. For this reason, we had the help of the famous Spanish footballer Juan Mata, who is playing in the Premier League, in England. Here you have a video where you can watch and listen to him speaking in English. Sometimes is good and motivating when you listen to a person you know speaking in English. Here you have the video. I hope you understand, if not all, most of it.


Mardi Gras

Contrary to what we all thought, carnival has a religious origin. It was the last day people could eat meat or anything coming from animals like eggs and milk, before Lent. For that reason, this was a day of celebration and big parties. All of this is very well explained in the following video:

Nowadays, Carnival is a big party celebrated worldwide, but there are some places where Carnival is especially important such as Rio de Janeiro, Venice, Cadiz or Canary Islands.


En uno de nuestros grupos de inglés hemos visto la diferencia entre MAKE y DO. Ya sabéis que no hay reglas fijas para determinar cuándo usar uno u otro verbo, aunque sí tenemos pequeñas pautas que pueden ayudarnos. En los siguientes vínculos podéis aprender, apliar información o simplemente practicar este aspecto léxico de la lengua inglesa.

MAKE-DO, documento para imprimir con listas de ejemplos.

ESCUCHA expresiones con make y do.

ESCUCHA ejemplos con make y do traducidos en español

Exercise 1, completa con make or do
Exercise 2, completa con la forma y tiempo correcto de make o do.
Exercise 3, elige la opción correcta.
Exercise 4, elige la opción correcta.
Exercise 5, elige la opción correcta.

Many exercises, muchísimos ejercicios por niveles.

Comprueba si ya te sabes algunas expresiones con MAKE y DO viendo este vídeo y escucha algunas “reglas” que te pueden servir.


We all like sports and leisure activities. Like it or not, football is the most important sport in Spain, and in the last few years, the Spanish National Team is doing great things! Fortunately, some Spanish players are playing or played in the past in English teams and consequently, they learnt English. This is a good example to see how learning a language, English in the case, is very important for every aspect of our lives. Here you are some of the players I am refering to speaking English with the press. 

Xabi Alonso Plays for Real Madrid now, but he played in Liverpool some years ago:

Fabregas played for Arsenal for many years before coming to Barcelona:

Mata played for Chelsea a couple of years and now he is playing in Manchester United:

Passive voice

Normally, the passive voice is something which is learnt aferwards, but I think that it is easier than it seems since it has the same structure as in Spanish. What you have to bear in mind is that the passive voice is formed with the past participle of the main verb and the verb “to be” in the same form as the main verb in the active sentence. So that, if the main verb is in present continuous in the active sentence, the verb “to be” will be in present continuous in the passive structure, and the main verb in the past participle form. Look at the next example:

Peter is writing a book.            A book is being written by Peter.
Anyway, here you are some links with explanations and exercises for you to practise.
Antiguas entradas

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